Monday, March 14, 2011

Loss & Friendship - A Secret for Two

The story "A Secret for Two" is a story about friendship and loss. I say this because throughout this story you can see that Joseph and Pierre had become best friends  and I say loss because in the end Pierre loses his best friend to death. 

When Pierre  met his horse Joseph for the first time I thought of the first time you meet someone at school. Or the first time that you make a friend. As Pierre and Joseph's  friendship grew strong I thought about how no matter what happens friendships get stronger.  This was proved by Pierre in this story because the more he was around Joseph the more the horse seemed to get closer to who Pierre was.
 When Joseph died I thought of what it is like to lose something or someone who was really dear to you. I thought about how when you lose a friend it might feel like you won't make a new friend to replace them. I also thought about what it feels like to lose a family member whether it be to death, divorce or even being abandoned. I thought about how much it must have hurt to lose someone who was  so close to you like the way  Joseph was close to Pierre 

In the end people all have different opinions on how Pierre died. Some say it was murder. Some say it was suicide. But the group that I stand with is the group that said that he was so over come with grief that he didn't hear the truck coming and his death was an accident.

1 comment:

  1. I like how your title isn't just "A Secret for Two." I don't really see a thesis in this piece. You should put in an Author's Note.
